So after our plaster project where we subtract material to make a sculptural item, I switch gears and do a clay project where we have to hand build a piece. And in this case we are hand building a "Piece" of pie or cake.
I have always like the art of Wayne Thiebaud. I think his cleverly whimsical paintings of desserts is sweet and touching. Okay I will try to lay off of the "sweet" comments, but it is really hard for me since they come so delicious to use. :)
Anyways, we took a look at his works and then I gave them a 10 question rapid think quiz. I read these questions as quickly as possible, and they have to respond with the first thought that comes to their mind. Feel free to play along:
1. Chocolate or Vanilla
2. Favorite fruit
3. Favorite non-dessert food
4. Thick or thin frosting
5. Favorite holiday
6. Favorite toy when you were a child
7. Cake or Pie
8. Sweet or Salty
9. Favorite color
10. Favorite candy
After the quiz, we talk about making clay cake or pie boxes. I then ask them to circle three of their quiz answers that they then have to use in their final project. They will have to make a lid for it that is detachable in some way. Then we talk about all of the clay terms and I demo how to build walls and add pieces.
I have always like the art of Wayne Thiebaud. I think his cleverly whimsical paintings of desserts is sweet and touching. Okay I will try to lay off of the "sweet" comments, but it is really hard for me since they come so delicious to use. :)
Anyways, we took a look at his works and then I gave them a 10 question rapid think quiz. I read these questions as quickly as possible, and they have to respond with the first thought that comes to their mind. Feel free to play along:
1. Chocolate or Vanilla
2. Favorite fruit
3. Favorite non-dessert food
4. Thick or thin frosting
5. Favorite holiday
6. Favorite toy when you were a child
7. Cake or Pie
8. Sweet or Salty
9. Favorite color
10. Favorite candy
After the quiz, we talk about making clay cake or pie boxes. I then ask them to circle three of their quiz answers that they then have to use in their final project. They will have to make a lid for it that is detachable in some way. Then we talk about all of the clay terms and I demo how to build walls and add pieces.