Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Painting with a knife

My painting class thought I had lost my mind when I told them to paint an entire picture with only a palette knife.  And then they really moaned and groaned when I handed them 18x24 paper. 

A few years ago I bought several of those plastic knife palette knife kits (I don't remember my original plan) but I thought we should open them up and use them.  And what better way to challenge my students than ask them to paint a picture with just the knives. 

At first they complained, but once they figured out a technique they started to get into the picture.  Not all of them are done yet, but I wanted to show off some of them.  I also took some pictures of the kids working.  I need to do more of that.

Joslynne S.

Sammy K.

Maggie H.

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