Monday, December 17, 2012

Taxidermy in art?

Well I found a project on pinterest for creating a taxidermy animal in the artroom.  So basically it was a paper mache sculpture of an animal head and then you were supposed to attach it to a board.  My sculpture class was given the assignment and for the most part they did a good job of the building, but then lost interest when it came to the painting.  I am not sure if I will try the project again, but in the end they did an okay job.  I just need to find a way to make it a more interesting project.  I was impressed by the way some of them went with the flow when their first option or even third didn't work  and they just kept going until they finished and found an animal to make it into.

Kenzie M.  "pig"

Brooke B.  "shark"

Sammy K.  "turtle"

Maggie H.  "parrot"

Cody S. "cow with barn"

Joslynne S. "elephant"

Emma J.  "toucan"

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