Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jump for art

Art 3 started the school year by learning some photography basics.  One of those assignments dealt with shutter speed, and I wanted to make the project more valuable then just get the shot and call it a day.  So I had them draw someone jumping and then required them to draw that person jumping.

  I wish I could say I thought of it all on my own, but I happen to be looking at one of my blogs that I follow and I saw it on another teacher's site.  Of course, I want to give that person credit and now I can't find the post, but I am very grateful that the idea was presented just as I needed it.  So if it was yours, Thank you.  My students might not thank you, but i appreciate you.

Anyways, they did a great job and here are a few of those drawings.  I did let them alter the pictures slightly so that they could put some creativity into the photos, and I did let them get rid of the backgrounds if they didn't change them.  They were supposed to at least add a shadow or simple ground so that the viewers could see the reference to the ground.

Ashley G.

Demi H.

Hanna S.

Sydney Haus.

KaSandra K.

Malary M.

Yeva S.

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