Monday, January 20, 2014

Blue dog??

Last week Art 1 started their colored pencil unit.  Now we didn't use George Rodrigue's "blue dog", but we did have a couple of short colored pencil lessons and then I did have them draw a blue dog that can be found on the website

I liked this lesson because it built up color, showed them how to apply texture and used very little black.  If you are looking for the lesson it is here .    If you haven't discovered drawspace, it is a great site for short lessons that allow kids to work and learn at their own pace.  I don't use it all the time, but I do have a few lessons that I really like from there.  I think I will be keeping this one for future use.

Here are a couple of my favorites that the students created.

Alasia J.

Mykah W.
I just love how it was the same lesson, but both girls got fairly different dogs out of the image.

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